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There's a Place for YOU In the Work From Home World

15 Year Web Vet Stands by the Claim

15 Year Web Vet Stands by the Claim: There's a Place for YOU In the Work From Home World

Columbus, OH - No matter your skill level, no matter your target market, no matter your product or service - no matter whatever:

There's a place for YOU in the work from home world.

I know you don't believe it, but it's true.

The key is being dedicated to the actual running of a business - which means you need to like what you decide to do. On second thought... you should love it.

Because it takes a lot of time. More hours than a day has sometimes.

And work. So much. The kind you don't necessarily enjoy. And often, the kind you really hate.

You need to love it. The people who love it and thrive off of knocking out the tasks one at a time - good, bad or ugly - they're the ones who make it.

Call it "entrepreneurial resilience," if you will.

I did. Here's that story, if you're interested.

Clever Hashtags and 10 Second Takeaways:

Love what you do. #DontHate

Work like crazy. Then, work some more. #DoIt 

#CustomerServiceProTip #StandOut #BearsRepeating 

You're gonna work your ass off for someone. #MightAsWellBeYOU

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