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Entrepreneurial Resilience

No time wasted thinking, "Why me?" No tears over lost time and effort.

Entrepreneurial Resilience

Columbus, OH - I thought I was brilliant. Then I Googled my "completely unique" hashtag: 15,700 results. Exact matches. Foiled again.

Alas, it is the fate of the lowly web artisan to come up with "the most brilliant idea" only to find that someone else had it first (or even 15,700 times before). But that, simply, is the way it is. Any entrepreneur worth their salt knows that at precisely THIS point, you must pick yourself up, dust off and carry on.

I call this entrepreneurial resilience. No time is allowed to be wasted thinking, "Why me?" No tears over lost time and effort. No delays. Instead, immediate action. 

It's the only way you'll be successful in business. 

Clever Hashtags and 10 Second Takeaways:

I am not your typical superhero. #Better

Stop thinking you're brilliant. #HappyAccident

#CustomerServiceProTips #StandOut #ItsTheLittleThings

A final, profound statement goes here. #MadeYouLaughThough

This article is about: #entrepreneur #socialmediamarketing #webdesign #socialmediamanager